Dosen Prodi Antropologi

Dosen Prodi Antropologi (8)

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Atomic (0)

The Atomic Template

Atomic is a minimal template designed to be a skeleton for making your own template and to learn about Joomla! templating.

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Beez 20

Beez 20 (0)

Beez_20 thumbnail

Beez 2.0 is a versatile, easy to customise template that works for a variety of sites. It meets major accessibility standards and demonstrates a range of css and javascript techniques. It is the default template that installs with Joomla!

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Beez 5

Beez 5 (0)

Beez5 Thumbnail

Beez 5 is an html5 implementation of a Joomla! template. It uses a number of html5 techniques to enhance the presentation of a site. It is used as the template for the Fruit Shop sample site.

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Thursday, 20 April 2017 13:40

Lucky Zamzami, S.Sos, M.Soc, SC


+ 197805052005011002
+ Payakumbuh / 05 Mei 1978
+ Penata / IIIc
+Jabatan Lektor Kepala

Thursday, 20 April 2017 13:36

Hendrawati, SH, M.Hum

By koorictfisip

+ 195602031983032002
+ Padang / 03 Februari 1956
+ Pembina Utama Muda / VI c
+ Jabatan Lektor Kepala

Thursday, 20 April 2017 13:33

Fajri Rahman, S.Sos., MA


+ 197704022005011003
+ Solok / 02 April 1977
+ Penata Muda / IIIa
+ Jabatan Asisten Ahli

Thursday, 20 April 2017 13:28

Prof. Dr. Erwin, M.Si


+ 196303111989011002
+ Padang / 11 Maret 1963
+ Pembina Tinggkat I / VIb
+ Jabatan Guru Besar

Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:25

Dra.Ermayanti, M.Si


+ 196301141989012001
+ Padang / 14 Januari 1963
+ Pembina / IVa
+ Lektor Kepala

Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:21

Drs. Edi Endrizal, M.Si


+ 196702121990011002
+ Padang / 12 Februari 1967
+ Pembina Tinggkat I / IVb
+ Lektor Kepala

Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:18

Drs. Afrida, M.Hum


+ 196412311993021004
+ Padang Pariaman / 31 Desember 1964
+ Pembina / IVa
+ Lektor Kepala

Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:16

Desna Aromatica,S.AP, M.AP


+ 198112162005012001
+ Solok/ 16 Desember 1977
+ Lektor /III c
+ Fungsional Umum